Have you ever thought about how children with autism are actually the best teachers for all of us? They are very sensitive to many of the harmful substances and elements around us and manifest their negative reactions to them very clearly. For instance, they try to isolate themselves from the noisy and polluted environment, full of chemicals and toxins. They often develop picky eating as their digestive system is sensitive to many different foods leading them to look for comforting and rewarding substances like sugary products. They immediately run away from unnecessary communication and activities that they do not enjoy doing and preserve their energy for necessary and enjoyable things.
anxious mother
HOW TO SAVE MONEY and HELP YOUR CHILD WITH AUTISM EFFECTIVELY – Mind-Opening Strategy For Parents of Children With Autism
Do you know how much money parents spend when they have a child with autism? Of course, it is very difficult to give an exact amount, as each situation is very different, but it is clear that such families with a child with autism have much more financial pressure to provide their little loved one with adequate support. Back in 2014, a study was published in the American magazine “JAMA Paediatrics” that suggested THE TOTAL LIFETIME COST OF SUPPORTING AN INDIVIDUAL WITH AN ASD IN THE US IS $1.4 MILLION. And this number increases significantly if the person is also intellectually disabled; to a sum of up to $2.4 million. These are serious expenses! At the same time, due to any number of reasons, families with autistic children generally earn approximately 28% less than families with non-autistic children. Can you relate to this situation? However, these astronomical sums can be greatly reduced! Would you like to know how? Let’s explore.
7 Energy Restoring Tips For Exhausted Mothers of Children With Autism
How often do you hear mothers of children with autism saying things like: “I am so exhausted because my son is having such a hard time with his behaviour”, “I had a very rough night with my husband losing his temper and my children crying”, “I am emotionally tired and physically drained”? Probably very often! Such expressions are very common among parents of children with autism. And, of course, there is no surprise here! Parents face never-ending challenges, worries, chronic stress and lack of sleep. They take their kids to endless therapy sessions, doctors, schools, teachers, assessments and evaluations! They simply do not have the time to recharge their own “batteries”, to think about their own health and their personal needs! Therefore, it is no surprise that these mothers are simply exhausted and chronically tired. Are you one of them? Do you feel this energy drain? Can you relate to this situation?
[Read more…] about 7 Energy Restoring Tips For Exhausted Mothers of Children With Autism
Where Does Autism Recovery Begin? – A Message to All the Anxious Mothers of Children With Autism
Recently I read this mother’s very touching words:
“My child is very loved, but as a mother I get drained from the fight. I fight for him daily to be the best he can be. Autism isn’t all sunshine, rainbows and unicorns. It’s rough and I have no doubt we will make it. I am his N1 supporter.”
Every time I come across a message similar to this, my heart beats a little bit faster! I really feel for these mothers who are trying their best, day and night, to support their children. This is never an easy process, but when your child has autism, it is much, much more challenging. And it is even more demanding if the parent in question has more than one child! It is a tough position to be in and not all parents are able to handle such circumstances. In many cases, mothers go through everything completely alone, accumulating exhaustion, tremendous stress and chronic fatigue while trying to be, and do, their best for their dearest child.