The word “DETOX” is very popular nowadays. Nearly everyone is undergoing some kind of detox diet or program or protocol. Very often such procedures are about how to eat, or rather not eat (some sort of fasting), about how to cleanse your liver, or about how to sweat (exercises, sauna etc.) However, from a holistic point of view, a perspective that really provides long-lasting changes, all of these are only partial steps in the overall detoxification process. Very often I hear stories of people feeling great after attending detox retreats, during which, for example, for a few days they only consumed juice. However, once they are back home, very quickly the symptoms that they went on the retreat to address in the first place are back, and sometimes even stronger. Can you relate to this? Does this sound familiar to you? What does such a reversal really mean? It means that the detoxification process was only partial and did not fully address the toxicity and blockages across all of the different levels of the body. In order to achieve long-lasting results, we need to approach detoxification holistically.
So, what exactly does a full detox include? I really like the approach of Dr Klinghardt, who identifies 5 different levels of healing that correspond to 5 levels of detoxification. (Ref. 1).
We live in a complex world, existing in multiple different dimensions at the same time, which is a reality that we need to respect when aiming to achieve the best detoxification and, consequently, best recovery results. According Dr Klinghardt we can identify Physical, Energy, Mental, Intuitive and Spiritual levels (fig.1).
Figure 1: The 5 Levels of Healing – A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
Very often when we talk about the detoxification process, we refer only to Physical Body detoxification (Level 1), which is about restoring our gut health, receiving necessary nutrients, detoxification of heavy metals and other toxins, providing essential liver support, aromatherapy and so on. In addition to these, however, a balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, is essential for optimal detoxification and functioning (Level 2). These are the fundamental “entry” levels that provide access to the three-remaining detox stages and are the ones that I address with my clients.
However, more and more, I am realising that people can achieve greater results when they address the higher levels of detoxification as well. This is exactly why I have partnered together with Masha Muzyrya, constructing our team of a holistic coach and an energy therapist. Masha’s experience allows her to address those higher stages of detoxification; at the Energy and Mental levels, by applying Qigong, breath therapy, meditation, resolving limited beliefs, addressing non-violent communication; at the Intuitive level, by implementing systemic family constellation, colour and sound therapy.
Interestingly, each of these levels of detoxification has an impact on one another. For instance, without sufficient food absorption (1st level) and a balanced autonomic nervous system (2nd level) you would not have the energy nor the functioning mind required to remember the past and process your emotional blocks. Therefore, it is important to implement those levels in the right order if you want to achieve maximum results.
This was a major discovery for Masha and I during the Total Reset Retreat this September. This residential program allowed participants to accelerate the process of detoxification and restoration in their bodies, and we were able to see clear positive results! Of course, this isn’t magic! All participants had already invested plenty of effort into the process, each of them having done lots of work on improving their gut issues, physical body toxicity etc. All of them were driven and passionate about further educating themselves and taking their health to the next level! What is also important, is that they were ready to feel vulnerable, and were not afraid to address their challenging emotions, which work as toxins in our bodies and need to be processed and eliminated.
What about you? What is your personal level of detoxification? Would you be interested in learning more about a possible holistic detoxification protocol for yourself? You can already start today by trying these easy self-assessments:
- Observe your stool.
Observe the consistency, shape, colour, inclusions, degree of floating and smell of your stool. Bacterial toxins can account for up to 80% of all toxins in the blood stream. It is, therefore, important to check for any potential gut flora imbalance and/or leaky gut. Verify your results according to the Bristol Stool Chart and see if you need to improve the situation:
- Measure your transit time.
Healthy transit time should be 12-18 hrs. Try eating, for example, roasted beets for dinner and then monitor when your red coloured stool comes out. In so doing, you can identify your own transit time. If it is more than 12-18 hrs, your GI function should be improved.
- Measure the level of your acidity.
Acidity is associated with an unhealthy environment in the body. For instance, the optimal average healthy pH for urine is 6.5 – 7.5, for saliva is 6.6 – 6.75.
By using pH strips (which you can easily buy at your local pharmacy), you can measure the pH of each urination over 24 hrs. (no supplements!) and calculate the average. Note, if your morning pH is lower than 6.5, you may be low in Mg.
- Breathing evaluation of your acidity.
Another way of assessing your acidity level is to take three full breaths, then exhale completely, close your nose with two fingers and using a timer to monitor the length of time passing, hold your breath. If your results are under 30 seconds, pay special attention to your level of acidity and general health. You should aim to hold your breath for 60 seconds comfortably. By practicing this exercise regularly, you can improve your results.
Find some time to perform these little tests and see if there are any imbalances in your body that you need to start addressing right away. If you have any questions, please let me know. Can I help you achieve your maximum balance at Levels 1 and 2 of the detoxification process? Would you like to join our Total Reset Program for more advanced detoxification and restoration?
The great news, is that we are now offering a non-residential 5-week Total Reset Program starting in November 2020, which also includes an (optional) residential weekend program in January or February 2021 in the alpine village of Chempéry, the location of our recent one week retreat. You can find more information under “News” below .
Photo by Fuu J (Unsplash)
Photo by Fuu J (Unsplash)
1. The 5 Levels of Healing, D Klinghardt